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Category: News
Under Milk Wood – Preview
Under Milk Wood – a must-see VA Production. From a very early age the great Welsh poet Dylan Thomas fell in love with the sound of language and showed brilliance with word play. Although of Welsh heritage, from Swansea, South Wales, Thomas wrote exclusively in English. Nevertheless, he connected all his life with Welsh landscapes… Continue reading Under Milk Wood – Preview
Interview with Janine Oliver, director of The Family Frying Pan
[av_one_third first] [av_image src=’https://valleyartists.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/J9.jpg’ attachment=’871′ attachment_size=’full’ align=’center’ animation=’no-animation’ styling=” hover=” link=” target=” caption=” font_size=” appearance=” overlay_opacity=’0.4′ overlay_color=’#000000′ overlay_text_color=’#ffffff’][/av_image] [/av_one_third] [av_two_third] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] Tell us a little about your background with Valley Artists I am a founding member of VA which all began in 1997 from a Pencil Orchids script-writing workshop with Australian playwright… Continue reading Interview with Janine Oliver, director of The Family Frying Pan
5 minutes with Bob Philippe
We spent five minutes with one of the founding members of Valley Artists and much loved local identity Bob Philippe who has taken on the mantle of Director for the next production of Can’t Pay! Won’t Pay! Find out his take on this play that has been performed on stages all over the world