Coming in November …. book on line now!

After several tours of duty as an Australia Day Ambassador in regional NSW, Jonathan Biggins’ initial scepticism about celebrating the national day melted like a lamington in the mid-day sun. It showed him the warmth, dedication and quiet patriotic pride of the organisers and the towns they served. The experience also prompted him to write this comedy that takes aim squarely at another hallowed institution – the committee!

Relative newcomer to Valley Artists, Mish Garovic (Stage Manager “Wink”, Rania in “Appleton Ladies Potato Race”) is taking on this rollicking feast of a comedy as a first time Director. Mish was inspired by the strength and integrity of the script and that it is a fabulous example of comedy telling a truth. Supported by a cast of experienced local actors each with a comedic bent, wanting to let Australia Day loose on the local community has almost become an obsession!

This is not a politically correct play. Whilst the intent is not solely to offend, there is no avoiding the potential offence that comes from truth, satire and the “Australian way”! But you will laugh your way through this riotous experience and, hopefully, through the thought-provoking context, gain a better understanding of the importance of celebrating a regional life in a very Australian culture.

“If you want social satire and huge laughs at the expense of, well, just about everyone in our sun-drenched country, Australia Day is just the ticket.” Herald Sun

“There’s something to offend just about everyone in Jonathan Biggins’ deliciously light and perfectly pitched jokefest.” The Australian